
Francisco Herrera en concierto HONOR MIGRANTE

BRAVA Theater Center, 2781 24th St., San Francisco, California

Francisco presenta musica de su disco HONOR MIGRANTE, canatandole a la vida y dignidad Migrante para iinspirar la lucha por la legalización y detener el libre comercio.  Disfrute de la diversidad de ritmos y estilos, cantando en Español, inglés, Calo/Caliche "pocho" y hasta un poco de Maya-Quiché Guatemalteco, acompañernos esta noche de Ranchera, Norteña - CalMex y Rythm and Blues con un poco de Trova y balada. Incluyendo algunas sorpresas musicales que nos mantendrán inspirados, afinados al corazón y en ritmo con nuestra causa de justicia y derechos humanos. Adquiere tus boletos AQUI Y AHORA:
Francisco will sing the life and dignity of MIGRANT people, songs from his recent cd HONOR MIGRANTE (migrant Pride) to inspire our efforts for a Real Immigration Reform or legalization path to citizenship and a stop to Free Trade.  ENJOY the diversity of rythms and styles from Mexican Ranchera (blues), Northern Regional style we call CAL-MEX that blends polka and rythm and blues with a bit of california groove, songs that tell of the hopes and aspiration of working people in Spanish, English, Slang (Spanglish) and even sprinkled with some Maya-Quiché from Guatemala.  Join us in this musical journey filled with the joy and pride of working people living free of borders, tuned into Heart and Spirit in rythm for justice and Human Rights. If you need energy or simply inspiration for this next battle for immigration reform and to stop the Trans-Pacific-Partnership (NAFTA on steroids) or if you simply need a moment to enjoy great music with your family and friends this is the place to come. BUY YOUR TIX HERE

$18.00 (discount neighborhood price/descuento al vecindarion)